No they’re not in season but you can still enjoy these summer favourites in the depths of winter –just buy them frozen and keep a bag in the freezer for making smoothies. Blueberries are packed with antioxidant power, making them one of the best anti-aging super foods we can eat – frozen or fresh. Here’s why blueberries can help us look and feel younger:
- They contain anthocyanins - compounds that help to keep all our bodies cells from aging.
- They have strong anti-inflammatory properties - inflammation is the major cause of skin aging and wrinkles.
- They are loaded with vitamin C – needed to make the collagen our skin needs to give it structure and keep it firm.
- They help stimulate neural regeneration in our brains and enhance memory – boosting mental health.
- They can actually help prevent diseases like cancer and heart disease because their flavonoids protect our DNA from damage.
All this for only a few calories per serving! Plus blueberries have are low on the glycemic scale and won’t effect your blood sugar levels like many other fruit.
For more on how you can keep your skin healthy and younger looking, check out: